Using technical SEO and content marketing, we increase online visibility, traffic, and conversions. Once your website is in the top positions, you’ll get FREE clicks forever.


People rarely go past the first page. If your Brand Name is “consistent” down the first page, they’ll choose you.

Organic page #1 traffic allows you Authority unmatched by competitors in your automotive vertical.

We can target the perfect customer to your website, improving conversion rates even more! 


Fine-tune your search engine optimization to rank higher and speed out of the sticks for good!

People TRUST websites listed on Page One

Google receives over 71,000 searches per second.

Google’s RankBrain uses YOUR historical data to predict what you’ll click. It continues to learn about YOU and keeps track of what’s searched.

Meaning it knows what EVERYONE is searching for!


How’s your website SEO?

Improves Conversion 

Increase online visibility and traffic with Organic SEO. Target customers and improve conversion rates!

Website Technical Structure Only

The ROI of SEO

At AWT, we deliver ROI. No more costly amateur agencies – we’ll show you the numbers each month. If we can’t help, we speak the truth. We know what works for Organic Traffic growth in Automotive SEO.

Our goal is to confidently invest in SEO as it pulls in NEW business.

After 10 Years, We Know The Industry Well.
Our Refined, Predictable Processes Work!

Hire us for a Tune-Up, starting with the website structure for quick wins. When we’re done detailing, you will be the overwhelming choice.

The Data here shows gains after the very First Month of SEO optimization—nothing else – just structuring of the website.

Single Shop Data

One month after SEO optimization. Organic Search is up 122.68% and New Users up 30.62%.

Nat’l Rental Car Co

One month after Transactions up 103.52%, Revenue up 99.34%, and Conversions up 110.63%.

MSO in Metro City

One month over 100% increases. New Users up 100.96%, and Organic Search up 110.53%.


A Technically Structured Search Engine Optimized (SEO) website helps web crawlers find your content quickly, index it faster, and deliver it in the correct searches… 

Before Your Competition EVER Shows Up!

Businesses come to us every day to improve conversions and attract customers. The better the site structure, the higher the chance of ranking higher in search engines and the more targeted traffic. SEO pulls in more traffic, period.

“A website that is built with intentional and careful SEO structure can attain search excellence,” said Bruce Clay (known as the father of SEO).

  • Our team analyzed thousands of websites over the last 10 years. We find organic growth opportunities for long-term traffic and explosive revenue growth.
  • Building technical SEO in the structure is the most crucial part of a website build that most web designers do not usually know or even undertake.
  • When you’re told it’s an “optimized template or website,” it doesn’t mean Technical SEO structure. Website structure is the most critical and overlooked form of optimization. It’s like straightening a car frame to run like it’s on rails!

Our specialists use many methods but always start with the structure of your website.

When your content is indexed correctly, it shows up in Relevant Searches FIRST!


  • The more your website is Delivered in Search, the more search engines know your Brand is RELEVANT.
  • When your Brand becomes Relevant, it is considered the“Authority.”
  • The more your Brand becomes an authority in searches, the more Keywords on your website will appear FIRST.
  • When your “Intent Keywords” become the Authority in search, you will be delivered in a Voice Search
  • Even Directories are your friend! Our clients show up before the directories, but they can help you, too. Directories allow your Brand Name to appear on the first page of a search, showing you as the Authority and giving you MORE listings on the first page.

We had one body shop take 7 out of the 10 listings on the First Page of Search!

Who do you think people call?

We make your Website translate Human
to Search Engine – SEO

Google’s machine-learning robot, RankBrain, is ONE of the Three most important ranking signals. It learns patterns of keywords similar to each other. Once your website is SEO structured, the bots find you quicker and put together similar keywords from your website, like Collision Repair, Certified Collision Repair, or Certified Auto Body Repair.

The highest quality content from a human aspect ranks higher in Google.

Your website must clearly answer the searcher’s INTENT on each page. We find pain point keywords used while searching to help predict your next customer. Websites CANNOT be pages just full of photos – it gives RankBrain nothing to learn about you!


More clicks  =  More Human Votes

RankBrain speeds up Google’s algorithmic testing for keyword categories to pick the best content for any search. This means trying to game rankings is ineffective, and only the highest-quality content from a “human perspective” is ranked higher in Google.

And how does Google pick which content is considered high quality? By Impressions, Clicks, and History. Yes, they all matter.

SEO is an Investment – NOT and Expense

MUST Target the People Looking for YOU!

That means more REVENUE 

Because of machine learning, once your website is optimized it will continue to improve in the search engines. When you’ve invested in a website and marketing, you should see ROI.