Done-For-You Managed Marketing by SEO Specialists.
The Results Exceeded Expectations.

Do Consumers Search for Help Online After a Loss or an Accident?
Here’s What We Found!
ALL Case Studies prove they DO SEARCH online in their Own Communities.
Our Case studies are all body shops we acquired from other agencies or lost to them.
Unlimited Collision is the ONLY shop we started as a brand new shop. Data can be skewed using only our existing customers.
It has been said Consumers DO NOT SEARCH but will do a “Direct Search” of a shop’s name after a loss.
We have proven if you’re only being found in a DIRECT SEARCH…
you’re losing out on thousands of dollars from
New Customers monthly that search Organically.
Look at our data and see that “Technical SEO” done by Specialists, brings in more Customers PERIOD!
Our SEO Works and it PAYS for ITSELF!
SHOP 1: NO DRP’s. One shop in a large metropolitan area.
FIRST: Created Dynamic Content with Keywords
SECOND: Website Technical SEO
THIRD: Programmatic Marketing
Body shop Revenue plateauing around $280,000/ month.
The owner is a very good marketer and was using every resource with little gains. AWT corrected the structure of the website using best SEO practices and started Programmatic Marketing.
After the very first month, the revenue was the highest the shop had seen. Month after month revenue increased.
Website Stats Month Started

Website Stats One Month After SEO

After one-year shop revenue is over $460,000 per month.
UPDATE After 2 years over $500,000/mth – Opened a 2nd shop and set new goal for old shop at $600,000 (started at $280,000).
Below is a Google Business Page Report from December to January the next year. Direct customers typing the name or from advertising was 36.2%.
The Discovery customers who search for your Service or Category (Organic Search) was 63.8%.
We know their customers were searching for a great body shop when they found them!

Without going through all of the financials, the body shop ended December (after 2 years) over $460,000 for the first time ever.
- 93% increase in ORGANIC Traffic – People searching their Services or Category
- 93% increase in DIRECT Traffic – People typing in their name or from offline advertising.
Showing that an optimized website generates more overall traffic to the site vs being dependent on the shop name.
Paid search was 31.9% of all traffic, but after optimization, only 17.8% of traffic. Proving searchers would rather click on organic listings than paid ads.
Want a Website that brings in Organic New Business?
SEO is an investment like a savings account just waiting to be spent on more customers!
How much would you INVEST to make another $200,000 a month or more?
SEO does PAY for itself when executed by trained specialists.
SHOP 2: SEVERAL DRP’s. Multiple Locations in a large metropolitan area.
FIRST: Created Dynamic Content with Keywords
SECOND: Website Technical SEO
Just created dynamic content and corrected the structure of the website using SEO best practices – Nothing else.
The shop didn’t feel it was getting enough calls and didn’t know anything about their web presence. Their website was built by a competitor. They didn’t know much about anything other than they built a website. No one was watching the analytics to really know if it was getting traffic or not. This is a very common situation when we speak to anyone.
YEXT has been most instrumental in getting shops to watch analytics. Most marketing agencies show shops that as their analytics dashboard and use it as their SEO service. We watch your Website analytics dashboard.
Website Stats Beginning SEO

Website Stats One Year Later

Below is a Google Business Page Report from December to January the next year. Direct customers typing the name or from advertising is 38.3%.
The Discovery customers who search for your Service or Category (Organic Search) is 61.7%.
We know their website is hitting the right target market searching for a great body shop when they became relevant in both DIRECT and ORGANIC searches. That’s a lot of traffic and it just keeps increasing!

The website Organic search increased to 48.3%, up from 38.1% at the same time last year. Direct traffic decreased to 45.3% of overall website traffic vs. 49.9% the same time the previous year.
176% increase in ORGANIC Traffic – People searching their Services or Category
97% increase in DIRECT Traffic – People typing their name or from offline advertising.
Both factors increased overall site traffic. This shows when an optimized website is structured properly, it is easier to find whether typing a company name in “Directly” or “Searching for Services” provided in your local market.
This proves the website is getting found by a more targeted audience when it’s Technically Structured.
Here’s the Story of One Shop that Went to another “Search Expert”
Auto Web Tuners just optimized the website SEO structure and handled Facebook marketing.
We did NOT do any Ongoing SEO for this shop – JUST the website STRUCTURE.
This shop didn’t realize what their website was bringing them and never asked us to help them with anything other than the SEO structure of their OLD website and their Facebook marketing.
And, BOTH the website and Facebook marketing were KILLING it!
Without ever even asking us to build them a new website, they went on to a competitor because they “Knew Someone” that could “Build a Website” and is also an “SEO Expert.”
Here is what happened under our watch from January to December.
- 195.06% Increase in Organic Search Traffic, which means they were getting found for their Services and not just their Name.

Also, Social Media went up 2,600% in ONE YEAR using our method of Target marketing!
Analytics After Takeover in October to January
- From 665 positions on the First 10 Pages of Search DOWN to 189 – LOST 476 spots on the FIRST 10 PAGES of search!
- LOST 90% of their Search Traffic in less than 3 Months since they left our watch.
- This data shows the pitfalls of a new website migration gone bad. When you don’t understand how to redirect hundreds of 404 pages or exactly what happens during a migration going from a website with hundreds of pages down to a lot less, Google will penalize your website by taking it out of searches.

Since they no longer had that spot with us in that location, we took on their COMPETITOR with multiple stores.
Yep, the competitor has the spot now! Here is what happened in LESS than 3 months after we started working on their competitor’s web presence. The traffic is on a steady increase and hasn’t stopped.
They have now taken over most of the positions the other one has had for YEARS! :-)

Since we can only work with ONE shop in locations where body shops are close together,
this new shop is more than happy to have us as their “Expert SEO” Agency!