Your web presence has the ability to make or break your business.
It’s not just a website anymore. It’s Your Virtual Sales Department.
No one sees your building unless they come to see you.
BUT, on the internet, they can see you at ALL times.
You could have thousands of people see you each month on your website >>> a body shop had over 400,000 people see them!
If you want people to know who you are, you need Technical SEO.
Let machine learning take over.
Using Search Engine Optimization we make your site perform first and implement marketing technologies next.
Using data from your website we personalize content to convert customers into sales. And, that’s just the beginning.
We can even divert visitors away from a business costing competitors thousands of dollars in sales.
What if that happened to you?
That’s why you need to read this IN FULL!

Website data of a body shop that was paying another agency for SEO services.
AWT took over the Technical SEO and wrote Intent search content that gets found.
This happened in just 30 days!
Over 400,000 people now know and trust this business.
Impressions make you Trusted by Consumers and
Relevant to Search Engines.
More Clicks make YOU the Authority down the whole page.
Misinformed or Dishonest SEO Agencies are…
We use proven processes acquired over the last 8 years that will Optimize, Engage and Convert Real Automotive Customers into Real Revenue.
Post Repair Inspection ;-)

Most shops have yet to see a full website assessment with an explanation while they watch from any agency. Our web assessment is done in a webinar fashion, pulling you into our screen so you can watch as we go over your website and ask questions.
An audit done correctly is a powerful instrument for checking your website’s health. It tells us precisely why your website isn’t found in searches or why it’s not converting customers and much more.
From the website audit, we begin our Technical Optimization of the structure of your website.
You’re gonna want to see this with your own eyes!
Every Website Needs an Alignment

Website Function & Security

You absolutely have to keep WordPress and Plugins updated, or it will risk the site’s overall security and speed.
We’ve found websites needing 18 more or updates, leaving them vulnerable to hacking and low rankings. Some had already been hacked and needed to be cleaned up to rank again. Updating out-of-date plugins can also cause many issues and even break the site.
Many still need the SSL certificate installed, which is the backbone of your internet security.
Slow websites cause high bounce rates. Some are hosted with thousands of websites, making them vulnerable to malware. One had 0% searches for mobile because of it, and mobile is a big deal!
We check daily and maintain them monthly with a report sent out. All websites are on our own managed servers, with only 100 good automotive neighbors per server.
Yeah, it costs a little more but still less than losing all your traffic and authority. Keeping your website up-to-date and secure will assure people can find you faster and feel secure enough to contact you.
Make it Speak to Customers

Everyone talks about how keywords matter. We see websites full of keywords with little research. Most sites don’t have enough content for searchers or search engines to figure out the context of the material.
Very few speak the intent of why consumers need you. Customer intent is the first step in your Brand, becoming the Trusted Authority.
Content is the heart of ALL voice strategies. REALLY think about that if you have a website with FEW WORDS.
You’ve heard too many cooks spoil the broth? Stop paying for blogging. It’s never done correctly. Post your Brand’s news, but don’t expect a blog to rank or help your SEO unless it’s structured correctly.
It takes a lot of work to get a blog pulling in traffic. Ask Diane why and watch her head explode, then she’ll ask, “Are you a DIY shop?”. HINT: People finding the wrong thing ruins your Authority and causes high bounce rates that bring you down in a search. She’ll explain it if you really want to hear it!
Searches are hyper-local now, and you must write content accordingly while matching the searchers’ intent. Changing your content will change EVERYTHING!
Let AWT explain how content targeted to your community will make you an Authority in search.

Businesses are being told to post “industry info” blog material. When was the last time you searched on social media to READ a blog post? My guess is never.
For us, social media is just another Search Engine—one of the largest ones. And, fun fact, it’s LOCAL! That means it gets shown more in local searches on the FRONT PAGE.
We use Social media for SEO purposes, not just to make you look cool. We know that social media creates links back to your website, giving you Relevance and Authority in your space. It doesn’t matter if anyone clicks on your posts or comments. It still gives Search Engines a signal back to you that helps them identify your brand.
Social media gives you one more spot on the first page, and Google Images gives you many images that show your brand.
Regardless of what others tell you, social media is a must to Complete Your Branding in the search engines.
Get Found Everywhere

I bet you didn’t know YEXT could be optimized. Yep, and we rarely see it. We are a YEXT Certified Agency. YEXT trained our person to strictly optimize your account to pull in more traffic. According to YEXT, he is in the 10% of their top-scoring people. We optimize Every single account. As you can see in the photo, most are in the 90 percent range.
Please don’t settle for amateurs handling your account when making the difference in being found first in a search and for VOICE.
If you ever want to be the Chosen One for VOICE, you’d better optimize your keywords and SEO to rank #1 or Fuggetaboutit!
Most think YEXT is an easy shortcut, but we’ve proven them wrong. Learning the system and setting it up correctly can make all the difference.
Ask for your score. Better yet, let us help you out.
Turn Clickers to Customers
Are your Pay Per Click ads going to your website’s home page? Did you know Google uses your web page’s “Relevance” to determine your ad’s quality score? The higher the quality score, the lower your cost. NOW…Think about what your home page says. JUST DON’T!
Great ad campaigns need to be targeted ads with compelling intent-based keyword ad copy. A landing page built specifically for conversion to get high placement and an even better Quality Score to bring your ad price down.
Don’t leave it to chance. It’s your money flying out the window.
Adwords campaigns not managed correctly loses a lot of money and another reason it ends up being expensive. At AWT, we make PPC your best performer.
Some get so much work they stop their ads to catch up! Nothing is better than PPC to get your phone ringing and website ranking.
Want more work than you can handle? When done correctly, PPC will bring you revenue fast. Let us know, and we’ll send you referrals to talk with about how our PPC ads work.
We’re hands down the best at pulling in real customers with Adwords!
Don Miller, Co-Founder and Lead SEO – Diane Miller, Co-Founder, Does it All
Auto Web Tuners as Body Shop Nation. Don Miller started full-time in 2014 when he was fired from Progre$$ive as a Claims Manager for helping Diane market body shops (it’s a story you need to hear one day).
Our love has always been in automotive and body shops because there’s a massive need for help. Body shops have been misguided because of inexperienced marketers and wrong advice. We knew we could help.
Today, we’ve honed our skills in challenging markets in almost every industry.
We’ve been known to increase business fast.
Word got out, referrals from other industries started pouring in, and we quietly started working with other automotive businesses to increase their revenue. We’re not bragging; we love using our mad skills to help businesses succeed, and that’s why we’re now known as Auto Web Tuners.
Did you know your website has been your Sales Person all along?
Want your marketing to pay for itself? It can.
Some people tell us they’re paying less. Honestly, we don’t care. Unlike most other digital agencies, it has nothing to do with our work, our people’s expertise, or our abilities to bring in sales to PAY for your marketing. You pay less because they do NOT know how to do what our “experts” do for you.
AWT has over 15 experts who work for you. When you hire us for a project, you hire a WHOLE DIGITAL TEAM. One by one, they perform their expertise on your digital presence.
You are normally hiring 7 to 8 people to build your website. Everything from design, graphics, content, technical SEO, and so much more is used for just one website build.
You’re not paying for one guy and his friend to work on YOUR REVENUE.
Our people take your revenue seriously and implement only the latest in what’s working right now.
In the last 12 years, we have studied under the best SEOs and Digital Marketers. When done correctly, SEO is tedious and time-consuming but will continue to increase sales and revenue faster than any other source.
Organic traffic is a must unless you want to pay for every bit of traffic you get!
The strategies we learned from Bruce Clay, the father of SEO, have been invaluable in optimizing websites. We have access to many of the best experts who are already helping us help you succeed!
Make your marketing pay for itself by hiring Auto Web Tuners, the Automotive Managed Digital Marketing leader.

Don & Diane keeping up-to-date on the latest Digitial Marketing.

Bruce Clay – The Father of SEO